
解釋字號:釋字第 445 號 (J.Y.Interpretation No. 445)
解釋日期:民國 87年1月23日 (Date: 1998/1/23)

Issue: Are the relevant provisions of the Assembly and Parade Act unconstitutional?

解釋文 (Holding):

  Article 14 of the Constitution provides that the people have the freedom of assembly. Like Article 11 of the Constitution, which provides for the freedom of speech, teaching, writing and publication, it is also a kind of freedom of expression that is the most important fundamental human right in practicing democracy. In order to guarantee the people’s freedom of assembly, the nation shall provide appropriate places for, and ensure the safety and regular process of, assemblies and parades. In restricting the rights of assembly and parade by law, the principle of clarity and definiteness of law and the provisions of Article 23 of the Constitution must be complied with.

  Article 8-I of the Assembly and Parade Act provides that, unless any of the situations otherwise provided in the proviso of the same paragraph exists, anyone who wants to hold an outdoor assembly or a parade shall apply for permission from the competent authority. Article 11 of said Act provides that, unless any of the situations listed in the same article exists, the application for an outdoor assembly or a parade shall be approved. To the extent that those items in regard to time, place, and manner are irrelevant to the purposes or contents of the assembly or parade, and that they are necessary to the maintenance of social order and the advancement of public welfare, they should fall within the scope of legislative discretion and will not result in any infringement of the purpose of freedom of expression. Therefore, the constitutional intent of protecting the freedom of assembly is not violated.

  Article 11 (i) of the Assembly and Parade Act, which provides that any violation of Article 4 of the said Act is one of the essential conditions for which the competent authority may deny the application for an outdoor assembly, prohibits? any speech that “advocates communism or secession of territory.” The said provision, which allows the competent authority to censor the contents of a political speech prior to the approval of an assembly or a parade, is inconsistent with the intention of protecting the freedom of expression under the Constitution. Subparagraph 2 of said article, providing that “There are facts showing the likelihood that national security, social order or public welfare will be jeopardized,” and Subparagraph 3 thereof, providing that “There is the likelihood that public safety or freedom will be jeopardized, or there will be serious damage to property,” are neither specific nor clear enough. The mere basis on which the competent authority may either approve or deny an application for an assembly or a parade is the future possibility of occurrence instead of a factual showing of clear and present danger. As such, the said provisions are inconsistent with the constitutional intention of protecting the freedom of assembly, and thus shall become null and void from the date of this Interpretation.

  Article 6 of the Assembly and Parade Act, which stipulates a restricted area for assembly and parade, is intended to protect the security of government leaders and military facilities, and to maintain the unobstructed flow of traffic and communications. Article 10 of said Act stipulates the qualifications for the person in charge of the assembly or parade, his or her agent or picket. Article 11(iv) thereof provides that an application for an assembly or a parade shall be denied if the same time, place, and route have been applied for by another and been approved. Article 11(v) thereof provides that the application for an assembly or a parade by a group may be denied if such group is not established according to the law, or permission for its establishment has been withdrawn, or it has been ordered to dissolve. Article 11(vi) thereof provides that the application may not be approved if the application does not conform to Article 9, which, among other things, requires the applicant to submit a completely filled-out application form. All of the foregoing provisions are meant to ensure a peaceful assembly or parade and to prevent any disturbance of the public quiet, which are necessary to either prevent infringement upon the freedom of other people, to maintain social order or to advance public welfare, and thus are not in conflict with Article 23 of the Constitution. Nonetheless, the proviso of Article 9-I of the said Act reads, “An application may be submitted two days (prior to an assembly or parade) where there is any justifiable reason because of any natural disaster or any other unforeseeable major accident.” Denying an application for an incidental assembly or parade that is not filed two days prior to such assembly or parade is in violation of the constitutional intention of protecting the people’s freedom of assembly and thus requires prompt and speedy review and revision.

  Article 29 of the Assembly and Parade Act, which imposes criminal liability on a chief violator who disobeys a dispersal and restraining order, is within the scope of legislative discretion and, as such, is not in conflict with Article 23 of the Constitution.


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